where he lived the god of wind VOREAS, while the valley Sklithro-Lechovo was from the fall of blood to the period of conflict gods - the Titans.
The history, only coins and gems (archaeological excavations 1997 the hill of Saint Panteleimon, which is built Heraklia Lygkistida) enter at least 1800-2000 BC Lygkistida named after the mythological hero lynx or the bloodthirsty mammal lynx - Lygkos - lynx. Heraclea Lygkistida the ancient Florina where Philip B '- his mother is Princess Lyncestis Eurydice - the fort made in 352 BC in the Northern and Western enemies of Macedonia. Alexander the Great followed many Florina and many were leaders.
Lygkistida the famous order, namely the military group Lygkiston. In the Middle Ages referred to as Florina on maps from the 1545 (Gkastalnti) and 1544 (by Sebastian Munster). Sklavothike by the Turks in 1385 AD around by reducing the Greeks from the 16th century home as permanent residents, Greeks from Bosnia, Epirus, Moschopolis etc.
The 19th century is a agrotoupoli 9-10.000 and organized by the Greek Orthodox community, led by Orthodox Metropolitan Moglenon (Florina), which directed everything: schools, clubs, etc. clubs indicated at least 40 times in the period of Ottoman rule as Filorina or Florina, the only bilingual Turkish and Greek - Turkish documents (= diktats).
In all the revolutionary movements of the 19th century (1814 - 1878 - 1896, as in all previous) involvement of people is massive, and the defense Makediniko armed struggle (1904-1908) because many captains are Florina. After liberation from the Turks (8 -11-1912) Florina follows the story of his homeland.